Care for Your Bamboo Palm
Palms give a wonderful tropical feeling to the indoor garden. They are bold houseplants that command attention without needing the attention of care.
Ease of care: Easy!
Water: Watering thoroughly, keeping the soil moist during the growing season (May-October). Water less frequently during the winter.
Light: Bright indirect light. Can tolerate morning/eastern direct light.
Propagation: Remove side shoots with roots and re-pot in regular potting mix. Keep soil moist.
Growth Habit/Height: Tall plants (about 6 feet in maturity) form clumps of stems with long, arching leaves. Individual leaflets are short, broad and curving. This palm has a narrow growth habit that is appropriate for most homes.
Soil: Regular potting mix.
Repotting: Every 1 or 2 years. Many palms have fragile root systems and can be easily damaged, so care should be taken when re-potting the plant.
Toxicity to animals: Not toxic. Katie’s cat Mango approves!
Fertilizing: Fertilize during the growing season, every two months. Use a slow-release palm fertilizer with an analysis like 12-4-12 or 8-2-12.
Does a Bamboo Palm sound like a great plant for your home? Click here to see if we have any in stock!