The Urban Earth Gardeners

Tan Gleason
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Tan, our team’s Lead Gardener, enjoys the quiet and patient work of tree and shrub work, and blends art, education, and plant science as the perfect trifecta. What Tan desires most in their work is to inspire all who connect with them a chance to radically Grow, Learn, and Thrive.

Tan believes gardening is for all bodies, minds, and abilities. Whether you’re a guerrilla gardener tossing seeds in an undeveloped lot, veggie-growing on your balcony, or fine pruning a beloved 100 year old Japanese Maple in a botanical garden, let Tan be your guide.

Kristin Jackson
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Kristin—one of our co-owners—has gotten her hands dirty in every corner of the horticulture industry. She feels that none are so rewarding as the niches where gardens and plants take the role of teacher and sage.

Kristin thrives on connecting humans to their botanical counterparts, diving into the abyss of insects and fungi, and curating spaces where life and photosynthesis are free to get wild and weird. Her expertise in plant health, pruning, container design, and coaching with compassion make her a perfect partner for your plant needs and dreams.