Hummingbirds Winter Feast
Here in Seattle, we are lucky to have hummingbirds year round! But, If you only plant spring/summer bloomers in your yard, our tiny feathered have to change course to find a new source of nectar. To help out our backyard guests, consider planting the following winter blooming plants with nectar rich flowers:
Their bright yellow flowers stand out among evergreen foliage and snow to attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Soft Caress will add a wonderful texture to your container or shade garden.
Similar candelabra-shaped yellow flowers as the Soft Caress, but with a broader leaf. Oregon Grape is a native plant that will help feed our fast flying friends.
The bright-red flowers, centered with golden stamens are eye-candy to you and taste like candy to the little hummers.
This shrub is great for dry shade. In January, it blooms a gazillion fragrant, nectar-laden flowers that are the perfect size and shape for a hummingbirds beak. It’s a real hummingbird feast!
As the blooms open in late winter, hummingbirds swarm their fragrant flowers. Even though hummingbirds lack a sense of smell, they know when these beauties begin to bloom.
Clicking on the image or plant name leads you to our online shop.
These are just a few favorites, but there are a lot more lovely options. Be sure to check the tags at the nursery for the pollinator icon when purchasing plants with them in mind. Add your favorite winter blooming pollinator friendly plants in the comments!